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Dr Axe Digestive Enzymes: How to Use Them Effectively and Safely


An animal study published in the Journal of Animal Sciences shows that the MCFAs of coconut oil do not need the pancreatic enzymes to be broken down, so taking coconut oil eases the strain on the pancreas.

dr axe digestive enzymes download

Studies suggest that the MCFAs in coconut oil help balance the insulin reactions in the cells and promote healthy digestive process. They take the strain off the pancreas and give the body a consistent energy source that is not dependent on glucose reactions, which can prevent insulin resistance and type II diabetes.

Children with autism commonly experience gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea. Since autism may be connected to digestive issues, taking a good quality probiotic daily can help maintain intestinal health and an optimal balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut.

When it comes to carbohydrate-rich veggies, studies show that complex carbs, including sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, other tubers and whole-grain foods, is related to a reduced risk of several types of cancer, particularly of the upper digestive tract. This is likely due to a favorable role of fiber, but the issue is still open to discussion. In contrast, refined grain intake and high glycemic load foods are not apart of an anti-cancer diet. These have been associated with increased risk of different types of cancer, including breast and colorectal.

One of the easiest ways to consume more probiotics is in their most natural state, which includes raw milk products such as cheese, kefir and yogurt. Raw and cultured are key here, since fermentation produces probiotics but high heat processing used to pasteurize dairy can damage many of the vital nutrients, including the enzymes, proteins and probiotics. Most dairy today is loaded with hormones, antibiotics, pain killers and pesticide residue so buying organic is also important.

Four and five include probiotics. You know probiotics are critical for digestive function. In fact, thyroid conditions have also been linked to a health problem called leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut is where a protein like gluten can leak through the gut, get in the bloodstream and cause inflammation throughout the body, but also it can cause inflammation of the thyroid gland. Thus, healing leaky gut syndrome is important and probiotics are the No. 1 supplement for that.

Due to the fermentation process involved in creating kombucha, it contains a large number of living healthy bacteria known as probiotics. These bacteria line your digestive tract and support your immune system, as they absorb nutrients and fight infection and illness.

It can also help stop candida from overpopulating within the gut by restoring balance to the digestive system, with live probiotic cultures that help the gut repopulate with good bacteria while crowding out the candida yeast.

The diet was originally inspired by the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD diet), which was developed by Dr. Sidney Valentine Haas in the 1920s to help treat digestive disorders. In 2004, Dr. Natasha Campbell published the GAPS diet book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, which outlined the details of this groundbreaking diet.

The gut microbiome is a massive ecosystem made up of trillions of microorganisms living right in your digestive system. The health of your gut microbiome can have a big influence on your overall health and may even impact your immune system.

Additionally, the diet is not intended to replace traditional treatment for conditions like digestive disorders, autism or depression. Use the GAPS diet to improve your gut health but also follow the advice of a trusted healthcare practitioner if you suffer from any of these conditions.

Ginger essential oil, for example, is known to promote your digestive health by easing indigestion, constipation and ulcers. A study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology found that ginger oil stimulated gastric emptying in people with indigestion. Ginger oil is also used to relieve gas, reduce nausea and ease abdominal pain.

Key hormones produced by the thyroid also help the liver break down cholesterol that circulates through the bloodstream. The thyroid can also stimulate enzymes that are needed to control triglyceride fat levels; this is why changes in thyroid function cause lead to heart problems.

Wondering what to eat instead? Emphasize low-glycemic carbohydrates in the forms of fruits and vegetables, plus 100 percent (ideally sprouted) grains, which have high amounts of fiber, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Patients with chronic pancreatitis can develop an enzyme deficiency. Unlike acute pancreatitis, which is a sudden, very painful but temporary problem, chronic pancreatitis occurs over a long period of time and generally results in permanent damage to the pancreas. However, the pancreas is a remarkably resilient organ and over 90% of it has to be damage before its enzyme producing capacity is impaired. Nevertheless, patients with chronic pancreatitis and a digestive enzyme deficiency can develop malnutrition because they are unable to break down their food to be absorbed by the intestines.

There is no real way to reverse the damage with chronic pancreatitis, although abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes helps somewhat, as does avoiding large meals. This is one situation where pancreatic enzymes would be used clinically and prescription formulations contain some combination of lipase, amylase, and protease (the enzymes to break down fat, carbs, and proteins respectively).Importantly, these formulations are enteric-coated tablets to protect them as they pass through the stomach, since the very concentrated acid in the stomach can inactivate uncoated enzymes. Uncoated formulations are sometimes used clinically but they have to be combined with acid suppressing medication to maximize their effectiveness.

Digestive enzymes play an essential role in breaking down the food you eat and keeping your digestive system working efficiently. Although your body does produce some natural enzymes, the majority of digestive enzymes are introduced into the body through your diet in foods such as fruits and vegetables.

With the standard American diet lacking in whole foods, fruits, and vegetables, a deficiency of enzymes results can create an environment for several health issues to occur. By eating a healthy diet with a wide variety of raw fruits and vegetables, you can get your daily dose of enzymes. There are a number of symptoms your body may experience that if left to continue, could negatively affect your overall health.

As you can see, enzymes are heavily involved with the digestive system Your saliva contains some digestive enzymes and so do your organs like the pancreas and liver. A big chunk of your enzymes are released from the pancreas and are involved with a whole host of processes like your hormones, energy production, fighting off infection, and transporting nutrients.

Enzymes play a massive role in the bioavailability of nutrients. This means they help your body absorb nutrients so that your body can use them properly for different roles. Without digestive enzymes, your body cannot break down food efficiently or absorb nutrients the way you need to. Enzymes breakdown protein, carbs, and fats for assimilation of the nutrients from the macros as well as their synthesis, which link amino acids in a proper sequence.

Another symptom of an enzyme deficiency is poor nutrient absorption. Enzymes help to break down food and increase the bioavailability of nutrients. Without a sufficient amount of enzymes in the body, your ability to absorb nutrients may suffer.

Your health begins internally in the digestive tract. If your digestive tract is void of enzymes or is colonized with bad bacteria, you could suffer from digestive issues like heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating and constipation.

Fatigue is often a blanket symptom for a range of conditions. But poor digestion may cause chronic fatigue. Digestive issues can wreak havoc on the rest of your body. Having a healthy gut is central to your overall health and well-being. Enzymes help your digestive system run smoothly, so it makes sense that your gut is usually the first place to see an issue.

You've likely heard, "You are what you eat". Although eating healthy foods is the first step to proper nutrition, you can only get the value of the nutrients if your body is able to absorb them. Watch this video from Fully Raw Kristina to learn more about the advantages of digestive enzymes.

For folks with symptoms ranging from fatigue to depression and anxiety, digestive issues from IBS to SIBO to IBD, to brain fog and even food sensitivities, the Vagus Nerve almost always plays an important role in both sickness and healing, and needs to be supported so you can truly and deeply heal.

The vagus nerve is part of the system that tells the stomach to put out digestive acids and juices, and to start the movement of the gut. When we chew our food, we start the process of mixing the fibers in our food with the digestive acids and enzymes that begin to break food down, before it reaches the stomach, before flowing into the small and then large intestines.

I like to think of the MMC as the caboose of a little train moving through our intestines. You eat, and the chewed up food, combined with digestive acids and enzymes, is loaded onto a car on the train, to be moved through your body and out as stool. Every time you eat, the train has to stop and go back to the top of the tracks to pick up the new food.

This should be a one-way trip, and the train should leave the station and get to the end of the road every 90-120 minutes. Every time you snack, the train has to stop and go back to pick up this new food-passenger, slowing the movement of food through your digestive track, which can lead to bacterial overgrowth and increased toxin burden in the body.

Folks with IBS, heartburn, reflux and other digestive issues often have low stomach acid, and this too can be a vagus nerve issue. The vagus nerve prompts the cells in the stomach to release histamine, which helps the body to release the stomach acid you need to break down your food. 2ff7e9595c

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